Seminário de Formação para Diretivos
Em 6 de junho aconteceu no Teatro Real de Madri o Seminário de Formação para Diretivos de Management Solutions que contou com a participação de palestrantes de destaque do mundo empresarial e acadêmico
O seminário foi realizado no Teatro Real e, depois da abertura realizada por Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, Presidente da Management Solutions, foram realizadas as seguintes palestras:
- Learnings from Deutsche Bank turn around & a perspective on European Banks. Benjamin Alka (Global Head of Corporate Affairs & Strategy, Deutsche Bank AG).
- Fraud Risk Management in Financial Entities. Pedro Pastor (Global Head of Business Process Security and Fraud, BBVA).
- From philanthropy to the social impact of organizations: changes in measurement and management models. Isabel Fernández (Rector of Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio), Javier Torres (Director of Repsol Impacto Social, Repsol Foundation) and Marjorie Nétange (Director of Development and Communication, Reina Sofia School of Music).
- Sustainability in the insurance sector. Challenges and opportunities. Eduardo Sánchez (Corporate Actuarial Director, Mapfre Group).
- Navigating the AI landscape: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs). Javier Calvo (Partner at Management Solutions).