Carme Artigas, awarded the iDanae prize for women with an excellent STEM career
The iDanae Chair for Big Data and Analytics, created as part of a collaboration between the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and Management Solutions, organized the 2nd iDanae Award for women with an excellent STEM career with the aim of adding visibility to the academic and professional careers of women in STEM and expanding the base of female talent in these areas
After evaluating the applications received, the iDanae Chair Follow-Up Committee decided to award the Prize to Ms. Carme Artigas, Spanish Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence. The jury's decision sought to recognize the long and successful professional career of Carme, recognized executive, Entrepreneur and Expert in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. The jury also awarded runner-up prizes to publicly acknowledge the professional careers of Ms. Isabel Fernández (Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio), Ms. Rosa Kariger (Iberdrola), Ms. Cristina Bescós (EIT Health) and Ms.Julia Díaz (Repsol - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
Both the first prize and the runner-up prizes will be handed out during the annual presentation of the iDanae Chair work which will take place on November 29 at the Royal Academy of Sciences (for more information visit event website).