Seminar on Artificial Intelligence at Revue Banque

Management Solutions sponsored and participated as a speaker at the event "AI Act: ses implications sur les secteurs bancaire et assurantiel" organized by Revue Banque in Paris

The event brought together representatives from the European Banking Authority (EBA) and two major French banking groups, BPCE and Crédit Agricole, to discuss topics related with artificial intelligence and the significance of the AI Act in European Union (EU) legislation. For the banking and insurance sectors, this regulation presents both challenges and opportunities.

In addition to being the main sponsor, Management Solutions delivered a presentation by Javier Calvo, Partner and Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer of the firm, while Esther De Dios, Partner at MS France, moderated the subsequent roundtable discussion. During the event, relevant aspects such as the regulatory landscape of Artificial Intelligence as well as the practical implications for banks and insurers were discussed from different points of view, as participants from the European Banking Authority, banks and consulting firms were present at the event.

Revue Banque