Presentation of the iDanae Chair’s work
The event was chaired by the President of the RAC, the Rector of UPM and the President of Management Solutions, and included the participation of Academics from the Royal Academy of Sciences (RAC) as well as prominent representatives of the teaching and business fields
The presentation of the work carried out by the iDanae Chair was streamed live from the Assembly Hall at the Spanish Royal Academy of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences (RAC). The act was chaired by the Hon. Mr. Jesús María Sanz-Serna, President of the RAC, Hon. Mr. Guillermo Cisneros Pérez, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), and Mr. Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, President of Management Solutions. Speakers at the event included RAC Academics as well as representatives of the teaching and business fields.
Presentation of the iDanae Chair’s work
During the event, Ms. Ernestina Menasalvas, UPM Professor and Chair Director, reviewed the first year of the iDanae Chair’s existence (which started in 2019 as a collaboration between Management Solutions and UPM), detailing the work the Chair has carried out in the teaching, scientific and technical fields.
The event also included a keynote session on Hardware Accelerators for Deep Learning, by Hon. Mr. José Francisco Duato Marín, an Academic at the RAC, and a panel discussion on the topics developed by the Chair, which was moderated by Mr. José María Fuster van Bendegem, President of the Association of Friends of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Professor ad honorem at UPM and Advisor on the Chair’s monitoring committee, and featured the participation of the Hon. Mr. David Ríos Insúa, Member of RAC, Ms. Ernestina Menasalvas, and Mr. Manuel Ángel Guzmán Caba, R&D Partner at Management Solutions.