Annual regulatory outlook reports
Compilation of the main regulatory changes from previous yearsThe annual regulation outlook reports bring together a summary of the main standards issued by global regulators (BCBS, FSB), supranational ones (with a focus on Europe), and some local geographies’ (USA, UK, Spain) during the year, as well as other related publications of interest, with the aim of providing an overview of the latest and most prominent policy developments.
List of annual regulatory outlook reports released.
2024 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2024, there were significant regulatory developments related to sustainability, including a European directive on corporate due diligence, a consultation on a green taxonomy in the UK, and regulations to improve and standardize climate-related disclosures to investors in the US. In the area of capital and conduct, progress was made in the adoption of Basel III in Europe, the UK, and Chile, and in the European regulation on money laundering and terrorist financing. Finally, publications in the field of artificial intelligence were also of particular relevance this year, notably the adoption of the Artificial Intelligence Regulation or AI Act in Europe.
2024 Annual Regulation Outlook
2023 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2023, there were important regulatory developments linked to sustainability, focused on disclosure, such as the final recommendations of TNFD and Basel's Pillar 3 climate pillar. In the capital and provisions block, of note was the publication of the proposed rules to strengthen capital requirements for large banks, known as the Basel III Endgame, in the United States. Lastly, publications in the field of technology and artificial intelligence were also particularly relevant this year, both in Europe and in the American region.
2022 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2022 there have been limited regulatory developments in Capital and Resolution. In the field of Sustainability, the Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Due Diligence focuses on monitoring and mitigating impacts on adverse human rights and the environmental impacts. Meanwhile, EIOPA provides criteria for climate change scenarios and materiality assessment in the context of the ORSA. In addition, the ECB has set compliance deadlines for its supervisory expectations for climate and environmental risks. On the IT front, the final publication of DORA stands out, as do two different regulations on data use and management.
2021 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2021, various supranational, international and local bodies have pronounced themselves on the methodologies for measuring, disclosing and principles for managing and supervising ESG risks, with a focus on climate risk. Also noteworthy are technological publications, such as the BCBS's Operational Resilience Principles, IOSCO's Outsourcing Principles and, at the European level, the IA Regulation Proposal. In addition, in Europe, the EC also published the amendment of the Solvency II Directive and the 2021 Banking Package, as well as several AML/CFT rules.
2020 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
The year 2020 has been marked by norms issued by regulators in order to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as moratoriums on the payment of certain credits or the postponement of the EBA stress tests. At international level, the IOSCO published consultation report on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as a consultative document on the principles of outsourcing services. At European level, the EBA published the final report on the Guidelines on CRM for institutions applying the IRB approach with own estimates of LGD. In the US, the Fed, FDIC and OCC have published the Final Rule on Regulatory Capital Treatment for Investments in Certain Unsecured Debt Instruments or the final rule strengthening the resilience of large banks.
2019 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2019, the BCBS’ Standard on minimum capital requirements for market risk stands out at global level. In Europe, EP and the Council published a package of financial system reforms (CRR II, CRD V, BRRD II and SRMR II). In addition, the ECB published the Guide to internal models. In Spain, the Government published the Draft Royal Decree on the legal regime of payment services and payment services and payment institutions, completing the transposition of PSD2. In the USA, the Fed, FDIC and OCC have published several Final rules such as the one on regulatory capital thresholds and liquidity requirements or the Final rule on the simplification of the Capital Rule.
2018 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2018, the BCBS’ consultative document on revisions to the minimum capital requirements for market risk stands out at global level. In Europe, the European Commission, the EBA and the ECB published several documents on NPLs. Furthermore, the ECB published a Guide on internal models, which updates the general aspects chapter. In Spain, the Anteproyecto de Ley de prevención del blanqueo de capitales y la financiación del terrorismo and the transposition of PSD2 into the Spanish legal system by the Spanish Government stand out.
2017 Annual regulation outlook report
Available in: Spanish - English
In 2017, the BCBS’ review of the Basel framework: finalising post-crisis reforms stands out. In Europe, the EBA published a document on the impact assessment of the Basel III reform package as well as Final Guidelines on PD and LGD estimation and the treatment of defaulted exposures. In Spain, the publication of the Circular 4/2017 on rules for public and supervisory financial reporting and models of financial statements by the BdE which aimed to adapt the accounting framework of credit institutions to IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 stands out.
Regulatory updates for the current quarter can be found in the Regulatory Alerts for this Quarter section, while updates for previous quarters of the current year can be found on the Quarterly Regulatory Reports section.