Reina Sofía School of Music’s Board of Trustees Annual Meeting

Mr. Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, Chairman of Management Solutions, participated in the Reina Sofia School of Music’s Board of Trustees Annual Meeting, chaired by Queen Sofia

During the meeting, chaired by Queen Sofía, Honorary President of the Institution, and attended by Ms. Paloma O'Shea, President of the School, as well as representatives of public institutions and private patrons who collaborate with the School, the progress of the Institution's Strategic Plan 2024/2028 was presented, with the milestones and objectives on which the School is working to continue its growth both in its academic offerings and social impact, highlighting the renovation of the annex building that will expand the academic and artistic offerings, as well as its international projection, with a performance of its symphony orchestra at Carnegie Hall in New York. In addition, the members of the Board of Trustees also had the opportunity to participate in an immersive music creation workshop in which they were able to experience how music can not only transmit emotions but also be a key tool in innovation.

In 2021 Management Solutions joined the Board of Trustees of the Reina Sofia School of Music, an institution that seeks to support the most talented young people in their personal and artistic development, and to bring the best music to all audiences.​


Junta de Patronos de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía