I edition of the Award for the best initiative in AI among high school students

After evaluating and analyzing the applications received, the Monitoring Committee of the iDanae Chair has decided to award the prize to the candidacy of Asier Gómez, a student at IES San Mateo

In addition to the award for the candidacy of Asier Gómez, the jury awarded three runner-up prizes, one each to Santiago Suárez from Montessori School La Florida, Daniel Salete from Engage Independent School, and Pía Claro from Aldeafuente School.

Both the first prize and the runner-up prizes will be awarded during the iDanae Chair's annual work presentation ceremony (more information about the ceremony), to be held on November 26 at the Royal Academy of Sciences.


I edición del Premio a la mejor iniciativa en inteligencia artificial para alumnos de bachillerato con vocación científica