Presentation of the iDanae Chair’s work
The presentation of the iDanae Chair's work during the 21/22 academic year was held on November 29th, chaired by the RAC President, the Vice-Chancellor of UPM, the President of Management Solutions and the Chair's Director, and attended by RAC academics as well as prominent representatives from the teaching and business worlds
The work of the iDanae Chair was presented at the Assembly Hall of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences (RAC) to more than 150 attendees. The event was also watched via a live broadcast by more than 1,100 people from 20 different countries. The event was chaired by Mr. Jesús María Sanz-Serna, President of the RAC, Mr. Víctor Robles, Vice-Chancellor of Strategy and Digital Transformation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Mr. Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, President of Management Solutions, and Ms. Ernestina Menasalvas, UPM Professor and Chair Director, and was attended by RAC academics and representatives from the teaching and business worlds.
Summary: Presentation of the iDanae Chair’s work
During the event, Ms. Ernestina Menasalvas reviewed the work carried out during the iDanae Chair’s third year of existence (the iDanae Chair was created in 2019 as a result of collaborative work between UPM and Management Solutions in the educational, scientific and technical fields). The event also included a master class on cybersecurity in the times of AI, by Professor David Ríos, Academician of the RAC, and a panel discussion on the topics developed by the Chair, which was moderated by Mr. José María Fuster van Bendegem, President of the Friends of the Royal Academy of Sciences Association, Professor ad honorem at UPM and Advisor to the iDanae Chair 's monitoring committee, and addressed by Mr. David Ríos, Ms. Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in the Government of Spain, Ms. Marta Patiño, Professor at UPM, and Mr. Manuel Ángel Guzmán Caba, Partner for R&D at Management Solutions.
In addition, the iDanae Awards for women with an excellent STEM career, organized by the Chair and in their second edition this year, were presented to Ms. Carme Artigas, who won the overall prize, and to the 4 runner-ups: Ms. Isabel Fernández, Rector of the Alfonso X el Sabio University; Ms. Cristina Bescós, CEO of EIT Health Spain and Director of Innovation at the EIT Health Group; Ms. Julia Díaz, Director of the Center of Excellence for Autonomous Systems at Repsol and Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and Ms. Rosa Kariger, Global Director of Cybersecurity at Iberdrola Group and Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum's Energy Cyber-Resilience Group (more information about the prize).
The full recording of the event is available on the event’s microsite, where you can also find the iDanae Chair’s publications.