11,783 kilometers against cancer
The third edition of Solidarity Kilometers, during which our professionals ran or walked 11,783 kilometers that Management Solutions will convert into euros for cancer research, has come to an end
For a week, almost 500 Management Solutions professionals participated in the third edition of Solidarity Kilometers, an initiative organized by the Social Action Group in which each kilometer run by participants is converted into one euro that the Firm donates to cancer research through the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Thanks to everyone's participation, 11,783 kilometers were covered, which in the coming days will translate into 11,783 euros to be donated to the AECC.
The winner of the team category was Barcelona 92 (consisting of Ana Barata, Mercé Figueras, Daniel Martinez, Ferran Ventosa and Gerard Ventura), who covered 490 kilometers, while Alberto Sanz took first place in the individual category, covering 101 kilometers over the 7 days of the event.