One-day Executive Seminar at Teatro Real
The one-day training course for Management Solutions executives, held last June 6 at Teatro Real in Madrid, had the participation of prominent speakers from the business and academic worlds
The seminar took place at Teatro Real and featured the following presentations after the opening speech by Alfonso Serrano-Suñer (President of Management Solutions):
- Learnings from Deutsche Bank turn around & a perspective on European Banks. Mr. Benjamin Alka (Global Head of Corporate Affairs & Strategy, Deutsche Bank AG).
- Fraud Risk Management in Financial Entities. Mr. Pedro Pastor (Global Head of Business Process Security and Fraud, BBVA).
- From philanthropy to the social impact of organizations: changes in measurement and management models. Ms. Isabel Fernández (Rector of Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio), Mr. Javier Torres (Director of Repsol Impacto Social, Repsol Foundation) and Ms. Marjorie Nétange (Director of Development and Communication, Reina Sofia School of Music).
- Sustainability in the insurance sector. Challenges and opportunities. Mr. Eduardo Sánchez (Corporate Actuarial Director, Mapfre Group).
- Navigating the AI landscape: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs). Mr. Javier Calvo (Partner at Management Solutions).