Management Solutions obtains ISO 22301 certification
The Firm's Business Continuity Management System has been awarded ISO 22301 certification on the Protection and Safety of citizens
In a context like the current one, it is critical for organizations to demonstrate that their business continuity procedures comply with the best standards of action if faced with an event that may disrupt their activity. To address this need, Management Solutions has a Business Continuity Management System in place that has received AENOR certification under the UNE-EN ISO 22301: 2015 standard on the Protection and Safety of citizens. The auditor’s report highlights as one of the Firm’s strongest point its business continuity management during the health crisis caused by Covid-19.
This ISO certification is added to those that the Firm already has in other management areas, which have been successfully renewed in recent weeks:
- ISO 9001 for its Quality Management System.
- UNE 19601 for its Criminal Compliance Management System.
- ISO 27001 for its Information Security Management System.